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  5. Unsorting the Product Backlog (BETA)

Unsorting the Product Backlog (BETA)


Sierra Agility’s Unsort capability allows you to revert a sorted product backlog to its original order prior to the sort operation. This feature is particularly useful when you need to experiment with different backlog arrangements but want the ability to easily return to the original sequence of items.

How Unsort Works

  • Initial Sort: When you sort your product backlog using Sierra Agility, the system records the original order of all backlog items before applying the sort criteria (e.g., based on goal alignment, business value, dependencies, etc.).
  • Reverting to Original Order: After sorting, you may decide that the original order was preferable or want to compare it with the new order. The Unsort capability allows you to do this quickly and easily. Simply click the “Unsort” button to revert the backlog to the exact order it was in before the sort operation.

Important Limitations

  • Modifications After Sorting: If any backlog item is moved or added after the sort operation is completed, the Unsort capability will become unavailable. This is because the original order can no longer be accurately restored once changes have been made to the backlog.
  • Unsort Button Visibility: The Unsort button will only appear if the backlog is eligible to be reverted to its original order. If modifications have been made to the backlog after the sort, the Unsort button will not be displayed, indicating that the unsort option is no longer available.

How to Use the Unsort Capability

  1. Sorting the Backlog:
    • Sort the product backlog. Sierra Agility will automatically save the original order of the backlog items.
  2. Checking for the Unsort Option:
    • After sorting, navigate back to the product backlog list. If the backlog can still be unsorted (i.e., no changes have been made post-sort), you will see the “Unsort” button displayed at the top of the table.
  3. Reverting the Backlog:
    • Click the “Unsort” button. The backlog will immediately revert to the order it was in before the sort operation. This action is instantaneous and will restore the exact sequence of items.
  4. Unavailable Unsort Option:
    • If the “Unsort” button is not visible, this indicates that the backlog has been modified in some way (e.g., items moved or added) since the last sort operation. As a result, the original order cannot be restored.

Best Practices

  • Experimentation: Use the Unsort capability when you want to experiment with different backlog orders without losing your original arrangement.
  • Commit to Changes: Before making permanent changes to your backlog, consider whether you may want to revert to the previous order. If you’re confident in the new arrangement, go ahead and make your changes. Otherwise, use the Unsort feature to compare options.
  • Frequent Review: Regularly review your backlog to determine if any changes made post-sort are necessary or if reverting to the original order might offer better clarity and focus.

Note: The Unsort capability is a powerful tool to help you manage your product backlog more effectively. However, always be mindful that once changes are made post-sort, the option to unsort will no longer be available.

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