Get Yourself a Coach!
Think about the times when you've felt completely lost at work. Maybe you're in a new role and don't know where to start. Maybe you're stuck on a project and can't seem to find a way out. Or maybe you're just feeling burnt out and need some motivation. In these moments, having a regular coach can make all the difference.
Are You Settling for Good Enough Agility?
Leverage Team Values to Guarantee Successful Outcomes
How Scrum Masters Can Make Team Values Real
The 4 Keys to Making Agile Development Work for Your Company
Leadership Skills That Can't Be Ignored
5 Ways to Address a Toxic Work Environment
So… you have found yourself in a toxic work environment. Now what do you do? Read on to learn some options.
Why a Forecast is SO MUCH BETTER Than a Commitment
How to Instill Strong Leadership Skills in Your Kids
As a parent, you want nothing more than to see your kids thrive. Instilling strong leadership skills in them when they're young can help pave the path toward future success. Read on for additional resources courtesy of Artisan Agility that can help your child become a future leader.
Evaluating the Performance of a Scrum Master
How We Kill Productivity Instead of Improving It
Three Important Lessons for the Entrepreneur
Leaders, Are You Ready For the Post-COVID Exodus?
Adapting Your Communication Style
Guest blogger Kristie Santana, founder of the National Coach Academy, discusses communication styles for the Process Communication Model's 6 main personality types.
A Leader's Guide to Hiring Team Members
As a leader, hire for culture, capabilities, and diversity. Stop hiring for skills that can be easily taught and focus on the specific skills your team needs.
How to Never Issue a Command
Strong leaders don't need to issue COMMANDS - their teams just seem to know what to do without being told. Here's how to ABSOLUTELY make this happen for you.
What's the RIGHT Way to Use Metrics With a Scrum Team?
In many organizations, nothing wastes more time than metrics with no purpose. Here's help on the RIGHT way to measure team performance.
Was That Supposed to be Helpful?
Do you give your team feedback, but nothing seems to come of it? Here's some simple techniques for giving feedback to your employees, staff, and teammates.
No Talking Without a Manager Present
In 35 years of coaching, I've met workers who weren't allowed to discuss issues with another group without their manager present. Let's unpack this situation!
Embracing Change: The Scrum Master’s Guide to Leading Organizational Transformation
Change isn’t the enemy—stagnation is. Organizations that cling to the status quo risk falling behind as competitors innovate. As a Scrum Master or leader, your role is to guide teams and stakeholders to embrace change. This guide explores seven practical ways to foster a culture of experimentation and help your organization adapt and thrive. In today’s fast-paced world, those that resist change don’t just slow down—they vanish. 🚀