Solving Problems: Five Guiding Questions for Product Owners
How Many People Should be on One Scrum Team? #AskArtisan
I'm often asked about the ideal number of people on one Scrum Team, but maybe a better question is why and how any number becomes too many?
A Little of a Lot Instead of a Lot of a Little
The Importance of Value to the Product Owner
Understanding outcome value isn’t just beneficial, it’s critically important. After all, delivering value is our priority!
It's All About Value
One small change can make a BIG difference to your Product Owner success. Before worrying about putting value on backlog items, here's some simple tips.
Should Scrum Teams be Dedicated to a Single Product?
Should Scrum teams be dedicated to a single product? The truth is, there's times when you want a dedicated team and times when you don't. Let me explain!
Get the Problem Right or You'll Get the Solution Wrong
Good software solves the customer's problems, but to provide the right solution, you must start with the right problem.
Creating the Skills You Need for Agility
When beginning the transformation to Agile Development, it's hard to know exactly what skills the organization needs to adapt to the new way of working.
Don't Manage Your Product, Own It!
If your Scrum teams aren't seeing the quality, value, and productivity improvements you were hoping for, it's possible that they don't understand their roles.