Leverage Team Values to Guarantee Successful Outcomes
How Scrum Masters Can Make Team Values Real
Do Scrum Team Members have to be Full Time? #AskArtisan
Scrum Team members CAN be part-time, but this week’s #AskArtisan video shares insight on helping them maximize their time, and pitfalls to look out for.
How Many People Should be on One Scrum Team? #AskArtisan
I'm often asked about the ideal number of people on one Scrum Team, but maybe a better question is why and how any number becomes too many?
Adapting Your Communication Style
Guest blogger Kristie Santana, founder of the National Coach Academy, discusses communication styles for the Process Communication Model's 6 main personality types.
What is Scrum?
The most popular Agile Development framework, Scrum, can be explained in many ways. If you're just trying to understand what Scrum is, this post is for you.
A Leader's Guide to Hiring Team Members
As a leader, hire for culture, capabilities, and diversity. Stop hiring for skills that can be easily taught and focus on the specific skills your team needs.
No Talking Without a Manager Present
In 35 years of coaching, I've met workers who weren't allowed to discuss issues with another group without their manager present. Let's unpack this situation!
Embracing Change: The Scrum Master’s Guide to Leading Organizational Transformation
Change isn’t the enemy—stagnation is. Organizations that cling to the status quo risk falling behind as competitors innovate. As a Scrum Master or leader, your role is to guide teams and stakeholders to embrace change. This guide explores seven practical ways to foster a culture of experimentation and help your organization adapt and thrive. In today’s fast-paced world, those that resist change don’t just slow down—they vanish. 🚀
What Causes Conflict on a Team?
Change usually creates conflict, but a good ScrumMaster knows what types of conflict to expect and is prepared to handle it with correct conflict responses.
Dealing with Troublesome Team Members
Whether it’s conflicting personalities or just differing opinions, as a leader, you need to know how to deal with a difficult team member.
Gearing a Team for Maximum Outcomes
Creating a maximum outcome team is every ScrumMaster’s goal, but you must first understand how great teams form and what YOU need to do to create a great team.
Jim's 10 Tips for Scrum Development Teams
With COVID-19 forcing us all to learn about working from home, we're re-publishing our list of "Jim's 10 Tips for Scrum Development Teams," UPDATED for 2020!
Creating the Skills You Need for Agility
When beginning the transformation to Agile Development, it's hard to know exactly what skills the organization needs to adapt to the new way of working.
What Do Testers REALLY Do On a Scrum Team?
Analysis, design, coding, and testing are done constantly rather than in phases, meaning testing ISN'T just a phase but an ongoing part of Agile Development.
Self-Managing Teams
When I teach or coach people about Scrum, we talk about self-organization, but the importance of self-organizational principles cannot be understated.
Limited Skills, Great Demand
Specialists with a particular skill can get stretched thin! But there's ways to solve this dilemma other than assigning them to ten Scrum teams at once.
Ground Rules for Your Team
Some initial “rules” that everyone agrees to follow will help your team avoid misunderstandings and deliberate misconduct.
DONEness Definitions (DoD)
What's the one thing YOU could do as a Scrum Master to improve your team's reliability, quality, and productivity? Read on and find out!
I Think We Broke Something... Somewhere
Many organizations transitioning to Agile Development suffer from a preconceived idea that coding tasks and testing tasks should be seen as separate activities.