Development and Support at the Same Time?
How can a development team focus on max product value while also handling support-based interruptions? Here are a few things to pay attention to!
Scrum for Support Teams
Scrum is the most used Agile framework, yet many still aren't quite sure how to make Scrum work best in a support environment. Let's dive into this topic!
What's the RIGHT Way to Use Metrics With a Scrum Team?
In many organizations, nothing wastes more time than metrics with no purpose. Here's help on the RIGHT way to measure team performance.
Agile Transformations - Is It All-Or-Nothing?
Wondering where to start with agile transformation? Do you pick a single project? Or a specific team? Train everyone and run with it? Here's some guidance.
Was That Supposed to be Helpful?
Do you give your team feedback, but nothing seems to come of it? Here's some simple techniques for giving feedback to your employees, staff, and teammates.
What Causes Conflict on a Team?
Change usually creates conflict, but a good ScrumMaster knows what types of conflict to expect and is prepared to handle it with correct conflict responses.
The Importance of Value to the Product Owner
Understanding outcome value isn’t just beneficial, it’s critically important. After all, delivering value is our priority!
Gearing a Team for Maximum Outcomes
Creating a maximum outcome team is every ScrumMaster’s goal, but you must first understand how great teams form and what YOU need to do to create a great team.
Jim's 10 Tips for Scrum Development Teams
With COVID-19 forcing us all to learn about working from home, we're re-publishing our list of "Jim's 10 Tips for Scrum Development Teams," UPDATED for 2020!
It's All About Value
One small change can make a BIG difference to your Product Owner success. Before worrying about putting value on backlog items, here's some simple tips.
Simplify Your Work by Slicing
When slicing a backlog item, we're taking a complex problem and paring it down into smaller problems, which are easier to solve and build.
Should Scrum Teams be Dedicated to a Single Product?
Should Scrum teams be dedicated to a single product? The truth is, there's times when you want a dedicated team and times when you don't. Let me explain!
Get the Problem Right or You'll Get the Solution Wrong
Good software solves the customer's problems, but to provide the right solution, you must start with the right problem.
5 Ways to At Least DOUBLE Team Performance
Here's 5 steps you can take as a manager or ScrumMaster to help DOUBLE your Development Team's performance (#5 is a shocker; it's easy but SUPER non-intuitive!)
Speeding up Your Scrum Teams
Effective Scrum use is more than Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, and so on. To see a big difference in your team's Sprints, make these workflow changes.
Ground Rules for Your Team
Some initial “rules” that everyone agrees to follow will help your team avoid misunderstandings and deliberate misconduct.
DONEness Definitions (DoD)
What's the one thing YOU could do as a Scrum Master to improve your team's reliability, quality, and productivity? Read on and find out!
Keep Your Sprints Short
Scrum teams are responsible for choosing sprint length and are encouraged to experiment with different sprint lengths, but shorter sprints are easier to manage.
Plan Only Small Backlog Items
Bigger requirements are more complex, which typically have greater risk, which leads to more cost and/or waste. In other words, bigger is DEFINITELY not better!
Avoid Adding Content to a Sprint
One of the worst things we can do to our teams is allow too many changes to the content of the Sprint after the Sprint has been planned.