Sprint Goals: Why the Plan Matters Less Than You Might Think
This information will help you take a BIG step toward having product dev, service, and support teams be self-managing. (Yes, really!)
Sprint Goals: The Key to a Well-Executed Sprint
Leverage Team Values to Guarantee Successful Outcomes
How Scrum Masters Can Make Team Values Real
The 4 Keys to Making Agile Development Work for Your Company
Do Scrum Team Members have to be Full Time? #AskArtisan
Scrum Team members CAN be part-time, but this week’s #AskArtisan video shares insight on helping them maximize their time, and pitfalls to look out for.
How Many People Should be on One Scrum Team? #AskArtisan
I'm often asked about the ideal number of people on one Scrum Team, but maybe a better question is why and how any number becomes too many?
Women in Business – What Kind of Leader Are You?
Women in Leadership Positions exhibit many styles, good, bad, and ugly. Do you work with a "Perfect Patty"? How about "Like me Linda"? Or the ever popular "Elizabitch"? You don't want to be any of these and here's why.
Leadership Skills That Can't Be Ignored
4 Signs of Good Leadership
5 Ways to Address a Toxic Work Environment
So… you have found yourself in a toxic work environment. Now what do you do? Read on to learn some options.
Creatives Can Find The Perfect Side Gig In 4 Simple Steps
7 Signs You are Working in a Toxic Environment
If you dread going to work, you MAY be in a toxic work environment. In this post, we’ll explore the signs of a toxic environment Here are 7 signs to be on the lookout for.
Why a Forecast is SO MUCH BETTER Than a Commitment
A Bigger Product Backlog Isn't a Better One
How to Instill Strong Leadership Skills in Your Kids
As a parent, you want nothing more than to see your kids thrive. Instilling strong leadership skills in them when they're young can help pave the path toward future success. Read on for additional resources courtesy of Artisan Agility that can help your child become a future leader.