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The Product Owner

The product owner is essential in any software development project. It’s also true that the product owner’s salary tends to be higher than the typical product manager’s. We recommend acquiring the certified scrum product owner (CSPO) certification as early in your career as a product owner as you can. This article will review the product owner’s accountabilities, attributes, managing stakeholders, and salaries.

Product Owner Accountabilities

The product owner is accountable for ensuring that

  • The Product Goal is written and understood
  • The Product Backlog is created and properly ordered
  • The developers clearly understand the Product Backlog Items on the teams

The goal of a Product Owner is to focus on delivering value through every iteration of the product’s design process while keeping customers and stakeholders informed throughout its journey toward launch day. Product Owners ensure the product meets customer needs while not compromising quality or taking unnecessary risks. Without an effective Product Owner at the helm, projects risk going off course and missing their intended target audiences. Therefore, having someone who understands business requirements is essential for any successful software development effort.

The Product Owner remains an integral part of any modern software development team; they are responsible for gathering feedback and leading the developers in the right direction to ensure that customer needs are met. This role requires an individual with a deep understanding of both technical and business requirements and a drive to create value for all stakeholders through successful product deliveries. The product owner is the key communicator between customers, users, developers, and all other stakeholders involved in a product’s lifetime, making them essential for any successful software development endeavor.

Sierra Agility is the Product Owner’s personal, valued assistant. Sierra Agility can help you build product backlog items, slice product backlog items into smaller pieces, and uncover the often elusive acceptance criteria.

You Need the Right Person in Charge

Ultimately, without a firm product owner guiding their developers across different aspects, such as user experience design or feature implementation, companies risk producing products that fail to meet user expectations or, even worse, have no impact on the market whatsoever. An effective Product Owner will be able to balance customer needs while pushing forward with innovative solutions. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure that you have the right person in charge if you want your product to be successful.

Product Owners play a vital role in ensuring that software development projects meet customer and user requirements while staying on track with development goals. They are essential for delivering value through every iteration of the project’s design process and need a deep understanding of business requirements. Product Owners must also be able to effectively communicate their vision for the product so that all stakeholders can understand its purpose and drive throughout the project’s life cycle.

Attributes of an Excellent Product Owner

Decisive: Product Owners need to be able to make quick, informed decisions and manage potential conflicts between stakeholders.

Good communicator: As the primary point of contact for product-related matters, Product Owners need excellent communication skills to share their vision with all stakeholders effectively.

Strategic thinker: Product Owners must think strategically about the project’s direction, considering its complexity and the various stakeholders’ interests.

Organized: Product Owners must be highly organized to stay on top of all product-related tasks. They should be able to create and manage various documents, such as user stories, product backlogs, roadmaps, etc., while taking part in sprint planning and daily stand-ups.

Empathetic: Product Owners need to be compassionate towards all stakeholders, understanding their needs and objectives to build a practical product roadmap.

Decisive: Product Owners must be able to make difficult decisions and prioritize tasks aligned with stakeholders’ goals. They should also consider the long-term implications of their choices.

Adaptable: Product Owners should have an agile mindset and be able to adapt quickly to changing requirements, customer feedback, and market demands.

Communicative: Communication between Product Owners, developers, stakeholders, and customers must be clear and compelling for any product-related activity to run smoothly. Product Owners should proactively seek feedback and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Organized: Product Owners must be well organized to keep track of all relevant tasks, data points, deadlines, etc. They must also maintain a clear overview of any dependencies between different stakeholders and activities.

Collaborative: Product Owners need to be team players. They must be able to work in tandem with developers, stakeholders, and customers to ensure the success of their product or service.

Managing Stakeholders

In addition, Product Owners must be able to identify and manage dependencies between different stakeholders and activities. These could include project timelines, customer expectations, quality assurance requirements, and other vital factors affecting the project’s success. By managing these dependencies effectively, Product Owners can ensure everyone is on the same page and working together toward a successful outcome.

Product Owners must also be able to negotiate and mediate between different stakeholders to ensure that all interests are considered when making decisions. Understanding the stakeholder’s individual needs and objectives helps the Product Owner make informed decisions that will benefit everyone involved.

Finally, Product Owners must be able to effectively communicate their vision for the product to all stakeholders involved with the project.

Product Owner Salaries

Product owners considerably impact the return on investment of a product development effort. An effective Product Owner can help ensure that valuable products are ready on time and on budget. As a result, salaries for Product Owners tend to be a little higher than the typical Product Owner.

More Information

For more information about Product Ownership, check our resources on the Artisan Agility website.


This is why Sierra Agility strongly emphasizes the Product Owner role, and we recommend the certified scrum product owner (CSPO) training for all product owners new to agile. Becoming a certified scrum product owner can make a big difference in your career. We believe that an effective Product Owner can make all the difference in the success of a product or service launch. By helping ensure everyone is on the same page and working together harmoniously, Product Owners are invaluable members of the agile project team.

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