

Psychological Safety Survey

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The Latest in Artificial Intelligence: Sentient Sprinting

Unveiling the Future of Agile: The Rise of Sentient Sprinting The Agile methodology has revolutionized software development, fostering faster release cycles, improved team collaboration, and a more responsive approach to project management. However, even the most well-oiled Agile teams face challenges. Manual

A New Approach to Performance: Balancing Work and Well-being

What if performance management included a focus on mental well-being? This blog post explores how managers can shift their perspective from solely evaluating output to considering the whole employee experience and improving work-life balance. Managers can foster a more balanced and productive

From Awareness to Action: Managing Mental Health at Work

Recognizing mental health challenges in the workplace and managing mental health at work is the first step; taking appropriate action truly makes a difference. This post details the journey from awareness to action, outlining how managers can support employee mental health by