Artisan Academy Courses

  • Amazing Stories! 2 builds upon the foundation laid in the first course, taking you further on your Agile journey. This sequel dives into Agile frameworks, showing you how to tailor and adapt these methodologies to your unique challenges. Discover the nuances of different Agile frameworks, learn how to maximize their potential, and grasp how to weave user stories into their fabric effectively.

  • We'll teach you the skills you need to write user stories that will help your development teams deliver more valuable content to your customers.

  • Imagine a team where every member is aligned with a shared purpose, where collaboration flows smoothly, and where goals are not just set but consistently achieved. The “Building Team Foundations” mini-course is your guide to creating that kind of high-performing team. This course is designed to equip you with the tools and frameworks needed to build a cohesive, effective team from the ground up.
  • In the "Creating Self-Managing Teams" course, you'll embark on a journey to transform your team into a high-performing, self-managing powerhouse. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to empower your team members, enhance communication, navigate change, and foster a culture of responsibility. By mastering the four essential keys—autonomy, collaboration, adaptability, and accountability—you’ll unlock your team's full potential, driving them to achieve remarkable results.
  • Collaboration is the cornerstone of any successful agile team. In a world where speed, adaptability, and continuous improvement are paramount, effective collaboration is not just a nice-to-have; it's essential. But collaboration goes beyond simply working together. It involves fostering an environment where open communication, mutual respect, and shared goals are at the forefront.
  • Welcome to the "Effective Onboarding and Integration" course, a comprehensive guide designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to create a successful onboarding experience for your organization. Whether you're a manager, team leader, or HR professional, this course will help you understand the critical role that onboarding plays in the long-term success of both new hires and your organization as a whole.
  • The world is changing fast and your leadership skills need to change with them. Join The Leadership Edge and take part in updating your skills, learning from your peers, and continually learning new leadership skills once you are finished with the course.