
  • Delve into the world of Agile and Scrum with "The Scrum Master's Toolkit," an innovative and comprehensive course designed to empower you with the essential tools, techniques, and know-how required to excel in your role as a Scrum Master. As the go-to expert in your Agile team, the demands on your capabilities are high and varied - you need to ensure that the team adheres to Agile values and principles, removes impediments, facilitates meetings, and works towards continuous improvement. This course helps you embrace these responsibilities with confidence and ease.
  • The Artisan Agility TeamOS is an innovative course designed to equip students with the necessary skills and understanding to create, sustain, and manage highly effective, self-governing, cross-functional teams. In the modern business world, the ability to form and operate teams that can collaborate, adapt, and deliver valuable outcomes is crucial. This course explores the fundamental concepts and practical strategies of TeamOS, a proven framework for fostering such teams.
