The 2020 Scrum Guide has thankfully put something in words that many of us in the industry have known for years: the Scrum Master is “accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness.”

As in, getting things done without unnecessary waste. But does that mean that the Scrum Master now has some kind of authority?

Absolutely not.

It means what has always been true about the Scrum Master — you are a leader. This doesn’t mean you get to tell people what to do. Any fool can command somebody to do something. That’s easy. A Scrum Master needs to be a real leader; someone who inspires motion, momentum, inspiration, and excitement from her teammates. Can you do that?

If you’ve been in my Certified Scrum Master training, you’ve heard me say that the mission of a great Scrum Master is to create a great team.

If you’ve been in my Advanced Certified Scrum Master training, you’ve learned the skills that allow you to among many other things, coach and mentor your teammates and facilitate their discussions.

If you’re interested in taking your leadership skills far beyond what we normally teach in the Advanced CSM or the CSP-SM certifications, I welcome you to take your skills to the edge.

Working for hundreds of hours over the past year, I put everything I’ve learned over my 35 years of management, leadership, coaching and consulting into a single product. I’ve supplemented everything I know with all of the latest research. The result is Artisan Agility’s The Leadership Edge, a comprehensive collection of skills and practices that anyone can learn who commits the time to learn, study, and practice. The Leadership Edge doesn’t waste your time telling about your “leadership style” or other such nonsense. The Leadership Edge provides hundreds of skills that you can begin using the day you learn about them. We’ve packed the training system with work you can do that will put your newly learned skills to practical use.

If you’re a ScrumMaster, we’re counting on you to create self-managing, powerful Scrum teams. You’re in an excellent position to set the stage for an amazing 21st century and achieve things that perhaps even you haven’t dreamed of. For a small sampling of what you can learn from The Leadership Edge, take a look at this recorded webinar. You’ll not only learn three “power skills” that the best leaders use today, you’ll also see how you can gain access to Artisan Agility’s The Leadership Edge at a discount, earn further referral refunds, and have Artisan Agility send $75 to a food bank in your area to help others who are less fortunate.

Read on for more information about The Leadership Edge!

Artisan Agility’s The Leadership Edge Training System

We are in the midst of a silent crisis. Leadership skills have deteriorated such as most businesses are building 21st century products with 19th century leadership skills. Business agility has introduced a new and exciting element into the organization: the self-managing team.

A 21st century leader needs to know how to

  • Use emotional intelligence to lead employees
  • Create a psychologically safe environment
  • Staff teams of high-producing, A-players
  • Motivate teams to high performance
  • Empower teams to autonomous operation
  • Elevate teams to continuous learning
  • Connect vision and purpose to daily decisions
  • Define and activate a team “operating system”
  • Use emotional regulation to remain calm, even in stressful situations
  • Synergize day-to-day operations with the world around her

Do you have these skills? Are you creating high-producing, high-performing, autonomous self-managing teams? Can you spend half of your day with your teams and still stay on top of your priorities?

No? Then join us in Artisan’s “The Leadership Edge” training system. Twelve core modules will teach you the 21st century skills you need. Each module contains a video lesson, a quiz to check your learning, student workbooks for your notes, and practical assignments where you will immediately use the skills you are being taught.

For more information, including easy payment terms and our money-back guarantee, click here. As our way of saying thank you we’ll also give you a discount code worth $200 off the purchase price (click here to learn more).