(Updated August 7, 2019)

So, you’re a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) and you’ve noticed that your certification is about to expire (or maybe already has). What should you do?

You have a couple options.

First, sign on to your account on the Scrum Alliance website and, under “My Certifications,” go ahead and renew. It’ll cost $50, but it’s good for two years.

A second option is to take another Certified ScrumMaster class. Doing so will renew your certification and, if you’ve already taken the exam, you won’t have to take it again. This is a great option if you want to update your learning and your understanding of Scrum and Agile Development. Some trainers will allow you to repeat the training at a reduced rate (not all, you’ll need to ask).

A third option, if you’re REALLY serious about becoming a great ScrumMaster or you want to move on to being a coach or a trainer, is to take the Advanced Certified ScrumMaster. The downside? You’ll have to pay for the course and, because the program is generally a lot of more intense than the CSM certification, its usually more expensive than the CSM class. The upside is that the program is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IN TERMS OF CONTENT! Where the CSM gives you the basics, the A-CSM takes everything up a HUGE step. You’ll focus on topics like facilitation, coaching, empiricism, servant leadership, scaling, and a lot more.

Here are some helpful links you can follow to learn more about Artisan’s approach to training and our training offerings, including our Advanced CSM training.



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ScrumMaster Certification Renewal

So, you attended a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) class a while ago and have noticed your certification has expired, or is about to expire. What are your options?